In 2008 a group of traveling musicians on a cross-Canada tour started the Whose Museum collection. They solicited donations from concert-goers with the help of a clown named Dr. Storey who wore a conservator's lab coat covered in badges.
Since then the collection has continued to expand and has been widely exhibited, traversing bars, galleries, sushi restaurants, shop windows, artist studios and backyards. Whose Museum has been part of many exhibitions, events, and still-life drawing sessions. It has also been featured in a music video, show posters, paintings, photographs, album art, and magazines.
Initially the collection was cared for in archival storage boxes and made accessible through an online searchable database. However, it soon took on a life of its own. The database crashed and objects broke out of their storage boxes. We found that the collection had become a body and member of our collective.
Whose Museum views its body as permeable and in a constant state of flux. Items from the collection are sometimes altered by artists, traded or loaned with visitors to the museum. They have been eaten, made into sculptural installations and tattoos.
If you would like to donate an item to the collection, simply fill out this form with your submission. You can drop it off at the museum, give it to one of our associates, or send it via post to Whose Museum, Kristianstadsgatan 16, 214 23 Malmö, Sweden.