June 8 - 30, 2019
For Chapter 3 of Whose Museum x KRETS, the art collective has invited members of the Transnational Queer Underground (TQU) to program a series of activities. TQU is a young non-profit association that fosters queer art and activism both on- and offline. The TQU network of transnational queer artists and activists has been active since 2009, organising lectures, exhibitions, concerts, workshops and more. Their aim is to establish links beyond borders where people everywhere can have their voices heard, and to fight for the right for everyone to live the life they desire without facing discrimination.
To open the chapter, TQU founder Verena Spilker will give a talk on the intersections of art, culture, and activism within queer communities. At Whose Museum, TQU will present works from open calls, featuring photographs and films that give insight into different queer realities. Later in the month, Berlin-based artist and TQU member Tom or Judy Moore will come to rework the Whose Museum collection with a group of participants as if it were a fashion collection. Part fashion shoot, part inflight safety demonstration, part YouTube instructional video, the group will investigate how to wear, perform and reconfigure the collection. Their documentation will be used to make a fashion film using drawing, performance and video collage to piece it together. Moore’s work regularly deals with collections, whether it is a photo taxonomy of wasp galls or a series of shrines built to women who have protected queer men. While in Malmö they will also perform with Jane Flett as the poetry noise group Rorschach Bruises. Rorschach Bruises make noises with Nintendo, cello, tarot, magic boxes, grubby queer poems, and general howling at the moon. They can’t spell their own name but they’re probably wearing really good outfits. Please note the following date:
Saturday, June 22: Performance by Rorschach Bruises, poetry reading by Kesiena Boom, public presentation of the fashion film by Tom or Judy Moore, and Queer Party.
A signed pair of underpants, a lab coat covered in badges, an unwearable hat, a painted t-shirt and tiny shoes. These clothing items and more have been donated to the collection and are getting a bit restless from being displayed on a shelf. In 2009, Whose Museum initiated an alternative mode of conservation called “altered works” – wherein artists posing as conservators are invited to make changes to the collection in order to challenge the museological fixation with physical preservation. For Chapter 3 of our year-long exhibition at KRETS, we are excited to invite Tom or Judy Moore to re-style and activate the collection.
Supported by the Culture Department of Malmö and the Swedish Arts Council
Photos: Lena Bergendahl