In between the lines: Queer Poetry Night
Saturday, April 15, 2023 @ 19:30 - 23:00
In between the lines is a poetry evening centering queer multilingual written experiences. Come join us in an intimate setting - blurring the lines between contexts and languages, we invite you to listen to what is meant without needing to understand what is said. Spend the evening surrounded by poetry, candlelight, and stories that extend beyond the rooms we inhabit, the languages we speak, and the stories we carry. We invite you to come at 19:30 and enjoy the fruit, tea, and delights the room has to offer. We welcome all who want to join us and share the warmth of the evening. Bring your friends, lovers, pen pals, pets - grab a pen to write, share your own favourite poetry books, or just enjoy the space. Turkish delight, fruits, cookies, coffee, tea and sodas will be provided
Poetry Afterglow: Creative Writing Hangout
Sunday, April 16th, 2023 @ 14:30 - 17:30
To bask in the afterglow of our evening, we’re hosting a fika and creative writing hangout. We will have a moment to talk about the theme of In Between the Lines, discuss the importance of migrant’s stories and storytelling through poetry and other works, and the experiences of living in a world of translations. Prompts and some poetry writing tips will be available for pickings. This afternoon after-glow session is for all of those who want to revisit the donated poems of the previous evening, write out their inspiration, have a space to read poetry or share experiences related to the evening’s theme.
The writing events are organized and envisioned by Yael Pool with the help of Whose Museum’s roadie Aimé Dabbadie, in collaboration with Page28.
Rest & Resist: RAR BAR #2 x MQF Party
Friday, April 21, 2023 @ 21:00-01:00
Rest and Resist invites you to the second RAR BAR in world history, on the opening night of Malmö Queer Film Festival. As soon as the festival is over on Friday, we'll meet at Whose Museum for themed cocktails in a queer and cosy crowd. The bar is open between 9 pm and 1 am. Read more and RSVP on RAR's fb or Insta!
Workshop Wednesdays in April:
Wednesdays, 12, 19, 26 April, @ 16:00 - 18:00
Whose Museum invites you to drop- in art class with VI-X & Janis. These are casual events for trying out ideas together, accompanied by fika and a good old chat. Supplies are provided, but you are also welcome to bring your own.
RADIO: Retreat x Kiosk x Intonal Festival
Friday & Saturday, 28 & 29 April, 2023 @ 18:00-22:00
As part of Intonal Festival, we will be hosting Brussels based community radio Kiosk Radio as well as the local Retreat Radio, on site at Whose Museum for a streaming session. For more information see: intonalfestival.com
QUEER Loppis
Saturday, May 6th, 2023 @ 12:00 - 16:00
Hey queers and allies!
Come buy or sell your queer stuff. Its a great time to maybe get rid of your dead clothes, try on a dress, learn how to tie a tie or just network. There will be vintage clothing, records, stuff, etc. If you want to sell or maybe perform something, let us know?